London Edinburgh London 2022
Five years ago, in January 2017, I read on a cycling forum about a long ride called "London Edinburgh London" or LEL. It was next due to run later that year, at the end of July, and although it was tempting to enter it, I thought I'd wait until the next one, in 2021. That should give me time to prepare, and it also let me get guaranteed entry: I joined Audax UK that month, knowing that four years continuous membership would give me guaranteed entry to LEL. At the end of 2020, it was announced that, owing to the lockdown, LEL2021 would be postponed until 2022. I had been gradually increasing the amount of cycling I was doing, and had done some fairly long rides, some almost 250km. The postponement put a bit of a damper on my training, and at the start of 2021, I took a bit of a break. In May that year, that started to change. Although I'd been a member of Audax UK for over 4 years, and had often browsed their website, I didn't actually enter an Audax until May 2021...