nothing to see here, carry on please

ah, it's been a while since i posted anything here, and i'm at a loose end tonight, so here we are.

i was all into recording every detail of our epic cycling holiday, but then i sort of stopped as we arrived at our destination. i had worked out the maps of what we did and where we went after that, though, so here they are!

day 4: we went for a walk on our first day at Splott Farm, to give ourselves a rest from cycling! we walked into Mark to investigate the post office and to try and find a bus timetable (without success), and then bought some sandwiches for our lunch and walked through country roads to wedmore. this took a lot longer than we had really expected, and our legs (well, my legs anyway) were aching uncomfortably by the time we got there. finding no bus timetables, we stopped in the only pub we could find that was open, the George Hotel, and after a couple of pints started walking back to the campsite. we were quite happy, then, to accept a lift from Colin, again, who spotted us walking along as he was driving home.

day 5: we decided to cycle to the beach on the next day, so that's what we did! the beach at Burnham- on-Sea may not be the best in the world, or even in that part of the world, but it is as sandy as you could wish for, and the weather was hot and sunny!

the only real drawback with this beach is that you can't really get to the sea except at high tide, as there is quicksand which is very dangerous! sadly, the tide was out while we were there, so we stayed dry.

also, as there was a tourist information office, we found ourselves a bus timetable!

day 6: as we were staying so close to Cheddar, we really couldn't help but visit Cheddar Gorge! we took a bus from Mark to Wedmore and then on another bus to Cheddar. the gorge is lovely; we visited all the attractions - two caves and an exhibition about prehistoric man, and went for a walk around the gorge. afterwards, we went to see the Cheddar Cheesemaking Company, but sadly had missed seeing the cheese-making process by half an hour or so. we bought some cheese anyway, and also some cider. sadly, I had miscalculated the bus times, so although we were able to catch a bus to Wedmore, by the time we got there we'd missed the last bus back to Mark, so we had to walk back to the campsite.

day 7: on our last day before cycling home, we decided to go to the beach again. after all, that's what holidays by the sea are all about! nothing much to report about this, except that Clementine was interviewed by the local BBC radio station about her thoughts on wind generators. apparently, there is a plan to build a wind farm nearby, and local shopkeepers fear it will affect the tourist trade. as a tourist, she didn't feel they would be at all bad, and is completely in favour of renewable energy in any case! the reporter afterwards told us that in her opinion the wind farm would be much preferable to the nuclear power station that we could just see on the horizon...


"the reporter afterwards told us that in her opinion the wind farm would be much preferable to the nuclear power station that we could just see on the horizon..."

you waited much too long to trust your memory love! This is what I told the journalist, although it is fair to add that she agreed with me!


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